Epic games store can’t even buy my love… I cannot forgive the abuse. Exclusives have no place in PC gaming. Stop trying to make them happen.
So funny seeing the comments on the GOG article saying how it’s basically Steam’s only competition, and it would be bad if it were to fail, and then come here and see the exact opposite.
Because Epic does everything it can to be anti-competitive, because they don’t actually want to be competition they just want to be the monopoly.
GOG doesn’t operate that way, they just try to compete by offering a good service,
It would be great if Steam had competition! They’re pretty good for what they are, but I’d rather not have to trust them to be so nice.
As long as gaben is in charge I think it’s in rrasonably safe hands, but the second he is out the enshittification will be Swift and complete.
I don’t know about that. The whole company is set up in a very unique way, such swift enshittification would probably cause a mutiny.
How well the culture of just making good things is enshrined once Gaben is gone is a different question. I can easily see a slow dissolution of the company as the people who care and the people who can grab power fight.
I also don’t know the internal details of the structure besides that it’s very flat and self-driven. Perhaps Gaben has an apprentice? I can’t imagine him being completely blind to his unique importance, surely they won’t just sell the company or hire a random CEO.
I foresee the only chance steam has of not being immediately enshittified would be for it to be a 100% employee owned company and to stay the f away from ever being listed anywhere.
People don’t have to be forced to use GOG so there’s people that actually like them, and offering DRM free games with offline installers is pretty pro consumer.
What does that have to do with Dredge?
From a consumer’s point of view, does it matter if the exclusive is de facto or de jure? If I have no choice but to do business with Valve and Steam to play a game on PC, it seems to me that that game is a Steam exclusive. And there are thousands of Steam exclusives, but only a handful of Epic exclusives.
It doesn’t seem like you’re paying attention… Steam didn’t buy the publisher of a popular game, and have it removed from the Epic game store so that it could be their exclusive. That was Epic and the game was rocket league. If epic wanted to compete “from a consumer’s point of view” they would make a better product than steam, but their store is still missing features
If epic wanted to compete “from a consumer’s point of view” they would make a better product than steam, but their store is still missing features
Reminder that it took them 2 fucking years to implement a shopping cart
I mean this isn’t ideal, but you can understand why they might make that a lower priority. Probably 90% of my gaming purchases are for 1 item.
And I find it hard to believe that you anti Epic people are arguing in good faith when your first complaint is that you can’t more easily buy multiple games on a platform you seem to dislike so much.
We’re talking about a company that was raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from Fortnite, and buying exclusivity deals for tens of millions of dollars, being unwilling to implement a store feature that would take any half-decent developer a single day to implement.
We bring up this argument because it perfectly highlights how little Epic cares about creating a service that can compete with Steam based on quality. They’d rather ignore the basic functions for years and instead spend orders of magnitude more money on anti-competitive practices like exclusives.
you anti Epic people
And this tells me that also aren’t willing to argue in good faith. You’re disregarding my argument simply because I hate Tim Sweeney and Epic
Why does the reason for the exclusivity matter?
You don’t like Epic because their store is not fully featured. I understand that. I’m concerned about Valve because, among other things, certain damning allegations made in their recent class action lawsuit.
You can much more easily avoid Epic because of exclusives than I can avoid Steam.
I might be out of the loop, but wasn’t that lawsuit based around publishers not being able to sell steam keys for cheaper than the price on steam? In my mind that seems perfectly reasonable since valve is paying for the steam services that are needed to turn that steam key into a playable game.
It’s hard to have a productive conversation when I bring up a specific example of Epic being scummy, but then you wave vaguely at allegations made in an ongoing lawsuit
If the allegations were just about steam keys, that would be one thing, but it looks like they’re leveraging their large market share to essentially fix prices on other stores, even outside keys. For example, even though Epic charges a much smaller cut, 12% vs Steam’s 30%, publishers are prohibited from selling at a lower price on Epic (or Steam will delist their game, blocking the vast majority of the game’s potential audience).
I personally don’t find buying a publisher to make some game exclusive to be all that scummy. Is it really so different from Warcraft being exclusive to Battle.net ? But I’m not to try to convince you that my reasons are more valid. I respect your reasons, I just ask you to also respect mine.
Not sure if you can use this on steam deck via epic, but this is a great casual steam deck game I’d highly recommend
Heroic Launcher should enable anyone (who‘s wondering how) to install games from different launchers on their Deck.
I‘ve only done it for the Ninja Turtles game and it didn‘t work right away - had to follow a protondb entry from a few weeks after my initial attempt to install dependencies - so be prepared to potentially tinker; it‘s not as hassle-free as a direct Steam install.
Heroic is great. Especially with the upcoming umu integration, it’s as seamless as it gets. Plus if you install anything from there, you also get a choice to add it to your steam library for easy access
Just got a copy a couple weeks ago from GOG. Excellent little game
I’d pirate the shit out of it instead of getting it free on there
I was excited until I read epic store.
For more free games, check [email protected]
Wow, what a great community, the moderator must be very cool and handsome!
All the people are saying it, so it must be true.
Funny too!
I got GTA V for free on the epic store.
I kind of want to play it but I don’t want to download their launcher.
Hmmmm…. 🏴☠️
Use a third party launcher.
Wouldn’t I have to install epic game store though?
Nah you shouldn’t have too. Pretty sure the launcher I use on my Steam deck is called Heroic
Dredge is amazing. If you don’t like Epic, please consider buying it elsewhere. The devs deserve the support and you’ll definitely get your money’s worth. Cosy cosmic horror fishing game turned out to be an excellent combination.
Epic is destroying the fabric of reality!!!
There’s another site that has it. And for more than 24h! And it has a greater community! It’s related with a girl that is fit literally.
It might still be free on prime gaming as well, for those that have it. At least it was a week ago.
deleted by creator
Time for the weekly Valve fuckbois griping about how Epic is destroying the fabric of reality.
On one hand: I also hate Epic.
On the other: It’s free. When did everyone start bitching even about the free games? Claiming all the free games and never actually using the store, if anything, hurts Epic. You don’t even have to use EGS to download them! You can use a 3rd party app like Heroic.
Don’t bother trying to understand it. They’ll tell you it’s because Epic is “anti-consumer”, while ignoring anything Valve does that’s shitty. The same people will post in other threads how there’s “no good billionaires”, then come to this community and post shit like “all hail our savior, Lord GabeN”.
In truth, it boils down mostly to them seeing PC gaming as Valve’s fiefdom, and Epic is aggressively trying to force their way into the market, which upsets them. The fact they feel comfortable putting all of PC gaming into the hands of a single mega corporation is insane, because when Valve inevitably goes under, we’re going to lose a lot of gaming history all at once. Not to mention, it was Steam that was responsible for the advent of not owning the games you buy, something I consider to be one of the worst things to ever happen to gaming.
Not to mention, it was Steam that was responsible for the advent of not owning the games you buy, something I consider to be one of the worst things to ever happen to gaming.
Hate to break it to you, but you didn’t own your games even when they were still sold physically. The standard liscence agreement for software as we know it today started in the 80’s, and it was mostly because of Microsoft.
Valve is, however, responsible for lootboxes which first saw action in TF2.