Exactly why net neutrality was important
Obligatory removed ajit pai
Has Biden made this a priority?
Is he still in charge?
That’s literally in the article, Rosenworcel has been in charge for a while now. The net neutrality laws that she and Biden enacted are not as strong as the Obama era laws.
Yeah I know, the whole point was we should be working on holding our own accountable now. Biden running around gleefully shouting he is a capitalist and he’s going to ensure people pay their fair share in taxes, while the rich still avoid taxes and inflation targets the middle class doesn’t help. Not to mention that the average home price in many cities for a basic 3 bedroom house is nearing a million dollars.
Absolutely fair and somehow missing from most discussion.
ajit pai
Looks like no: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajit_Pai
So, its really Bidens fault at this point. Its an FCC thing, so he has full authority to do whatever the removed he wants.
I agree Ajit MiPants is a piece of shit, but I don’t hear Biden saying he is going to make Internet a utility anytime soon.
Who saw this coming???
“Why should we upgrade our tech when we can just artificially reduce capacity and charge more for priority access?”
removed these pricks.
The network can handle everyone currently on it yet they cry like it’s causing them issues.
Fucking liars.
The issue is there are profits left on the table! Unacceptable!
The removed is “fast gaming”. And what games demand this?
I would guess that since it mentions teleconferencing and gaming, that they want to create low-latency fast-lanes.
But they also mention TikTok, so I am not completely sure that they are referring to latency.
This article isn’t very good at explaining what they’re talking about on a technical level.
Reading trough all the marketing terms used. I’m more afraid of selective slowing down connections instead of the mentioned “speeding up” connections.
Yo TikTok with a latency higher than 2 ms is completely unusable trash!
Or under 2 ms.
I have a hard time believing that since TikTok is such a popular mobile app, and 4G users are going to have a minimum of 200ms latency over-the-air.
5G does offer much faster over-the-air latency of only 1ms, but if TikTok were to become unusable if the latency between tower and server exceeds 1ms, I would expect to hear widespread complaints about that, as the vast majority of users aren’t going to have <2ms latency between them and the server. Pinging TikTok.com from my 5G handset (in a major metro area) shows a latency of 80ms. Admittedly, AWS and GCP, where TikTok hosts content primarily for US users, likely has better latency. My personal experience with those platforms doesn’t suggest that it would be that good- pinging the cloudfront CDN endpoints associated with my account, I get latency between 40-60ms.
Besides, video streaming shouldn’t be affected by latency, only throughput. TikTok videos are just MP4 files on a CDN, as long as you can download them faster than you can play them, high latency shouldn’t even be noticeable to the user, outside of initial load times for latency exceeding a few hundred ms (up to a second or so delay if establishing a fresh TCP connection, depending on the latency).
Maybe TikTok Live could be an issue, but its a one-way channel so a delay shouldn’t be noticeable like it would be with a 2-way teleconference. Maybe if there was high jitter or packet loss, the stream could have extremely low quality.
If you read my comment again you might realize it’s a joke about TikTok being trash.
Low latency matters a lot more than bandwidth in any game that isn’t turn based.
Data is data unless they can commodify it. Data is like a river that never ends. Doesn’t cost them Anything. We are subject to monopolies who charge above and beyond maintenance and massive profits while destroying competition
You seem to be misinformed on how the internet works. Nothing is “free”. ISPs have to buy equipment, pay for expensive physical connectivity (without disturbing existing infrastructure), and usually have to deal with constant, ever increasing bandwidth requirements.
I’m all for a bit of net neutrality, but ISPs tend to get a lot of flak for policies like this, for seemingly no reason. For example, let’s say ISP A and Upstream B have a mutual bandwidth sharing policy (called Peering) where both sides benefit equally from the connectivity. ISP A determines that N is using all the bandwidth to Upstream B. ISP A has three options: N gets all the bandwidth to Upstream B (disturbing other traffic to/from that network), N has to be throttled to allow all traffic equally, or ISP A and Upstream B need to expand their network again (new equipment, new physical links) which will cost a lot of money. N doesn’t even pay ISP A or Upstream B, they just pay their ISP C. In the end, ISP A has to throttle N, and N is the one who had to expand/change their business model to deliver content to their customers. They had to go out and buy services from many upstream providers to even the load and designed a solution to install Caching boxes inside each ISP’s datacenter so their traffic could reach end users without going upstream.
That’s a good summary!
IMO, the customers of A are paying A to access to the internet, including N. So A should charge their customers enough that they can pay for the equipment to deliver that.
In a working market with many participants, customers can choose a cheaper ISP that has congested/throttled peering, or a more expensive ISP with gold-plated interconnects.
The problem is that in the US, typically your choice of ISP is limited by geography. In many other places you have open fiber networks where the last mile is shared and then you can choose what ISP you want ontop of that, and the ISP is what determines how good your peering is.
And installing caching boxes inside of ISPs is actually a really efficient solution (as well as peer-to-peer)
Oof, they don’t have net neutrality over there eh?
Gonna be bollocks for them until they can get that brought in. There’s an election coming up there right? Maybe they can vote for the party that pledges to bring in net neutrality laws, it’s about time they had them considering it’s 2024.
I wish them the best of luck <3
Net neutrality being brought up as an election topic would be very unusual for our politics. Our two party system is very set on the topics that they like and don’t like to bring up.
Of course the parties have negative incentive to do anything more than the bare minimum about these topics that they fight so hard to advertise. Otherwise, they might need to come up with new reasons for people to vote for them.
Except that ignores how net neutrality only became a thing in the last 2 decades there’s only so many presidential admins in that period. So 5 elections vs 20 years to discuss a topic… it’s not weird that it comes up more outside of an election year. Feigning both sides/everything’s rigged bullshit is a mindless simplification.
Still, I can’t tell if you’re choosing to ignore how Obama campaigned for it or how Biden and Harris campaigned way more for it, especially concerning reversing trumps FCC decisions.
No reason to ignore the fact that Biden made it a priority in the first year or so of the admin.
Acting like it’s rigged absolves republicans of their actions: “Net Neutrality Won’t Survive a Trump Presidency” and lumps good folks in with the worst.
Net neutrality couldn’t happen while republicans block the commissioners for the job: https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/20/23800161/gigi-sohn-fcc-nomination-dark-money-campaign-net-neutrality-profile
So why not blame it on the people who are actually documented as destroying net-neutrality and advocating against it. Why instead invent some all powerful Illuminati like cabal only to end up making it a both sides thing?
Republican attacks over bs tweets are just one of the reasons we can’t have nice things. Another reason is because people like to imagine a rigged system pulling the strings to pretend there’s some order in the chaos. All it does is suck the support away from anyone trying to do the right thing.
my theory is that they are pushing for more expensive upgrades like fiber.
Charter has/had a dark fiber ring ready for use back in 2005. I assume most other cable providers have similar, because they had to build it out after the first FCC spending bill after 99
Per the article, this looks to be limited to mobile internet and not traditional broadband. While I can understand the practicality of carving out unique bands of the wireless spectrum for specific uses, charging extra for it seems scummy.
Its always, no no this is for X, not Y.
(a few years pass)
They accepted X, now there is precedent, let’s take Y.
This is the start, not the finish.
Fight this or it will make its way to your interests.
My $0.02.
I hope the EU handles that. I’m happy that I’m not in the US.