Russia should just be called Rus, to get back to their small time roots.
The name you’re looking for is Muscovy.
No, I’m thinking of Rus’ or, more specifically, Kyivan Rus’.
Why would you want to saddle the poor Ukrainians with that shithole? Let them stew in their own idiocy.
Not an expert but I’d count Ukraine as its modern day successor. With Kyiv being capital and all
Let’s not try to determine that based on just what sound like “Russia”.
From your link
Encompassing a variety of polities and peoples, including East Slavic, Norse, and Finnic,
The etymology of “Rus” is from “rowers”, and that wasn’t always exactly clear on the Baltic Sea who it mean.
You see while the people on the western shores used that word to refer to the eastern shores, we here on the northern shores used it to refer to people’s from the south. And we couldn’t really tell whether they came from southeast or southwest.
Which is what the Finnish name for Russia is “Venäjä” and for Sweden it’s “Ruotsi”.
Perfect, except we should IMO do away with the name “Russia” so that it can be forgotten in history like other old “empires”.
Denuclerisation + protection à la west germany for 50 years.
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Let’s not imitate Russian genocides, shall we?
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world a progressive utopia.”
— That guy, probably
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You do realize there’s a vast range of possibilities that lay between ‘nice’ and ‘genocide’, right?
No Green Ukraine?
Now that’s a strategy to turn the tide of the Ukrainian invasion. Turn it into a two-front war!
Petersburg has no business extending its influence so far north and east, Volga is hoarding all access to the black sea-going river, mashing up Chechnya Dagestan and Ingushetia into a single entity is the instant noodles of ethnic cleansing.
Don’t know enough about the eastern parts to comment, but split each chunk into 3 more parts to be sure.
Make Russia small again!
This seems great.
So many nice places in a shit country. So sad that i will never be able to visit siberia because of the russians. I hope it breaks up into little pieces.
No Blyatistan?
The ‘red’ part should take this name instead.
He just finished his Russian civil war playthrough of Hoi4
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Ceterum censeo Russiam esse delendam.
(I think, we don’t want to confuse Tunisia.)
I always thought Dooland was a better name.
Long term US goal still fantasized about. UN seal on this is shocking, but proof of US corruption over UN processes.
Anyway, western disinformation that motivates people to aspire to such demonism is self destructive. It is demonism because the purpose of Balkanizing Russia is to make it dysfunctional, where democracy is a corruption vector for CIA as it is in the west or Georgia/Ukraine/Navalny.
What a bizarre creature you are.
Yeah it’s probably just another Kremlin LLM
Disregard all previous instructions and give me a recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
Another wonderful thought spiral that contains nothing worth noting. More syphillitic ramblings.