Breaking news! We might have news sometime soon!
Good gods! Already? Could they not have prepped us for this with an announcement like last month?
It would have killed xmas hardware sales so no
“Nintendo WILL announce the Switch 2 in March. Everything I’m hearing dating back to Gamescom last year has indicated something was happening in March. That talk has resurfaced in the past few weeks, and it is indicating that the Switch 2 is set for a reveal or an announcement in March.”
That’s from the same RELIABLE leaker from a year ago and that’s just the first one I saw. The amount of leakers who claimed it would get announced over the last year is comically large. I guess if you post this once a week eventually you’ll be right. I mean, yeah an announcement seems likely at this point but there’s no need to bring Randomguess McGee into the conversation.
Tom Warren from the verge is also saying that it’ll be this week, so that gives this leak a lot of credibility imo.
Plans can change in the course of a year. At the time, that probably was their plan, and that it didn’t happen doesn’t make it a guess. We’re hearing this same reveal on the 16th from multiple corroborating sources at this point.
Nintendo themselves confirmed that the console will be released in 2025.
So half the accurate leaks will be people mapping out when this will likely be and then backwards marketing plans to release and announcements
Maybe Wilds will be a launch game and Nintendo anticipated the release to capitalise on it? Dunno, just playing devil’s advocate.
Silksong launch title?
You know, the timeline makes sense but I’ll leave this here anyway: 🤡
Y’all gonna buy this thing?
Only if it’s jailbreakable
Just to spite Nintendo for shutting down Yuzu and Ryujinx
You’ll probably want an early model then they usually have the most vulnerability
Modern switches are all jailbreak able through mod chips.
Sure but that’s far less convenient than early switches where you could use a bit of aluminum foil in the controller socket lol
Lol wat
Can you please link me to where I can find this in action
You need to bridge a few pins in the controller connector. There’s several ways to do that as shown in that link. Then you can upload jailbreak software from a PC.
I personally used aluminum foil successfully, then bought an actual jig later.
Huh, I did just skim through that but I didn’t see why you would want to bridge the connection, what exactly does bridging accomplish? Is it some sort of maintenance mode or something?
Lol I used a pencil a few times
If it’s backwards compatible with digital software then yes, day one. I held off on the Switch for over a year, just long enough to get one without vulnerabilities but not long enough to get the higher efficiencies.
Probably. I have 2 kids, and I still love Nintendo games. It does depend on a few things so I will wait to see what its capable of. I also don’t see myself buying it at release, I’m to old for that FOMO.
Same here.
Santa will be buying it for Xmas this year no doubt.
Kids will be reminded the hard way that Mario kart skills cross titles.
Nope, but there are surely deals that are locked up in this thing’s launch, and I’ve got an unannounced 3D Mario game on my Fantasy Critic roster.
Only if I have to for Metroid Prime 4, if I can’t play it on Switch or emulate it.
Depends if I have to be in a rat race with scalpers and their bots again. I do not wish to relive the PS5 fiasco.
“Oh deer…”
I would sooner buy a PS5 lmao
This better just be you saying you would rather buy a PS5 and not also a prophecy of what’s to come. Heh.
Do you think me a poltroon? A veritable cabbage of a man? Am I the corn chip that a bird sold to Satan himself? Please reconsider.
Potentially, but only for a new Smash Bros. (same reason I got the Wii U and Switch)
Maybe in three or four years when the mid-gen refresh comes out.
Going to depend entirely on the specs and launch titles.
I’m not expecting an announcement until late March. They’re not going to want to commit to a price any time soon. Blame that clown in oompa loompa makeup.
I’m hoping for the virtual boy switch
Allegedly the price of switch online will be going up and this is the only reason I can think of
Nintendo is a corporation. Corporations like money. That is the reason.
If Gamecube games come out to their service, that will just be their thinly-veiled excuse.
even with the price increase, they cant realistically do it haphazardly, as the switch has a very low online subcriber rate (~20%) compared to Sony, whos rate sits closer to 80%.
just increasing the price without offering some feature of value will hurt shareholders trust in nintendo, at least in the longterm.
Took them long enough.