Friendly reminder that almost all news media outlets and social media platforms are owned by a handful of extremely wealthy individuals and they are in full control of the algorithm that feeds you content, so you’ll likely never see anything that is critical of them or advocates for them to have less power or influence than they do.
This is the 2025 version of “The revolution won’t be televised”.
Exactly the same. I got critical of the right and all of a sudden banned for violence ? After 12 years ? And me NEVER calling for harm to anything.
But I got hyper critical of the right and that’s what did it.
Reddit is and has failed.
Finally made the jump. Reddit is a right-wing cesspool of censorship.
I actually came here today because of this! So far so happy with Lemmy
Someone posted this and that’s honestly scary. I hope more people abandon this sinking ship of Reddit.
It’s horrifying especially to think how Reddit never did anything about the fucked up things incels would say they wanted to do to underage girls and women, or the literally jailbait, racist, insanity they’d share. Basically that stuff was always okay, but if you want to defend yourself against your oppressor? Banned for upvoting despite you didn’t even think the comment was “bannable”.
I just created a Lemmy account because of this stupid policy. Republicans/Conservatives can spew all manner of hate without consequence and we upvote “Elbows Up” (a hockey term BTW) and we get banned? Screw that.
And that is why I’m here now. Hello fellow travellers!
Reddit is turning into an American-dominated oligarchy. That’s why I moved to Lemmy. Hi everyone!
It’s so awesome seeing all these new people here bailing from reddit. Welcome!
deleted by creator
I barely used Reddit - good riddance, this is what spurred me to sign up here. The right wing infestation of social media is nasty.
Which is why I’m here!
That’s why I’m here.