Start with musk’s fortune and go down the wealthiest Americans list.
France demands a mineral deal and a thank you
How considerate to have a guy in the corner translating to Italian.
Unfortunately, this didn’t really happen
it should though. everyone should go hard on these parasites. fascists always get a free ride from all the authorities. that’s how they get into power. they never suffer consequences, because all the consequences are fake and designed to stop people from being too free or too communist, both of which fascists also work to stop, so the nation’s enforcement mechanisms see them as friends and go really ridiculously easy on them.
france needs to nail america’s dick to the wall, and declare that no more american goods will be coming into france until these scum pay their debts. maybe even give a ‘we brought you into this world, and we can damn sure take you out of it.’
Your history lesson seems to forget America helping France, both financially and strategically, during and after WW2. I dislike the US position right now, but to suggest they’ve somehow been freeloading is patently false, and the rest of the world, Europe in particular, has relied heavily on the US since the end of WW2.
It’s not like the USA oligarchy would pay… It would come from taxpayer’s money.
And they’re already flooded in debt.
Anyway, I wouldn’t oppose (nor is my place to decide, haha)
Thanks for this. We need a way of flagging satire or misinformation more clearly. I don’t think it’s enough to have it buried in the comment sections.
Maybe we should put these types of posts into a community and say that it’s non-credible in the name.
Well. Seeing as this is NCD…
Sorry, that deal was made with the French royal family, not the republic. It’s null and void.
It doesn’t matter. The debt was repaid in 1795 by James Swan, a banker who assumed the debt from the U.S.
If you transfer debts and loans they’re still valid, it’s what the ussr Russia exchange did.
The debt was already paid anyways
as if these assholes have ever read a history book. they don’t fucking know that.
Ah, same as with Haiti.
yes but the americans deserve it.
It only took Haiti 122 years to pay off the French.
Liberte, egalite, fraternite. 😑
I don’t think France would want to open up the indemnity/ reparations conversation…
They aren’t? They are talking about a loan which has nothing to do with indemnity / reparations.
They financed the US independence movement / war out of self interest to screw on England and any way they got paid with the Quasi-War.
Looking at history the US were never a reliable partnet, cough remember the maine cough.
i mean they did give us democracy, existentialism, and the blow job…
…menage à trois…soixante-neuf…
But aside from those, what have the French done for us?
Baguette, croissant, macarron
Yes, yes, but other than that, what have the French really ever done for us?
Napoleonic law, the metric system, pasteurization
Well, yes, but other than that?
The guillotine?
Yeah, uhuh. I think if you look at the papers, that debt was owed to a king whose head ended up in a basket. 🧺. That was, hmm, quite a few French republics ago.
Meanwhile, why don’t we discuss that little Normandy caper that one time
The UK did pay the US back for WW2 support. Took 60 years to pay off.
This is a joke about the US’s recent demands for Ukraine to ‘pay back’ the aid given to defend its independence against Russian imperialism and genocide.
Sure let’s talk about Normandy.
More specifically, Lilly estimated that U.S. servicemen committed around 3,500 rapes in France between June 1944 and the end of the war.[10]
Rape per capita in 2022 France: ~116 per 100,000 men
Rape per capita in 2022 England and Wales: ~234 per 100,000 men
Number of American troops in France during WW2: ~2,300,000
Estimated American rape per capita in WW2 France: ~152 per 100,000 American soldiers
By those numbers, it would be safer to be a French woman with an American soldier in WW2, than to be a woman with an English man today.
I just read that Wikipedia page. Someone’s already changed it to 4500.
No citation and nothing in the body that supports an actual number like that.
Someone is playing games. I would not consider that page particularly reliable, at the moment.
Edit: I didn’t see any edit log for the number change, so maybe the poster changed it just for his comment and the math. However, still no actual citation supporting either number.
cut this crap.
- Your numbers are
wrongcherrypicked - Your hypothesis is wrong
- Your conclusion is wrong
Your numbers are wrong
By your own source, it would be 118 per 100,000 men in France and 218 per 100,000 men in England and Wales.
You appear to bend the numbers every step of the way to support a conclusion you simply can’t draw. Here’s the laundry list of issues:
1. The reported numbers of today and the estimated numbers from 1944 are uncomparable I find it crazy to use a multiplier within the same scale to 1944 rapes as to 2022 rape.
A) Reporting patterns changed over the years: [ #Statistics)]
B) Definitions had changed over the years such as inclusion of marital rape which : [] []
C) Increases happened in inclusion of female perpetrators into the convictions (it’s about 4% in France but it’s still a major shift from 0%) [] and male victims in the estimates []
D) Age of consent was redefined over the years, with now 3rd of 2022 rapes were committed against underaged girls (younger than 15) in France.
2. You can’t draw conclusions on population distribution-dependent statistics, by assuming a 50-50% distribution but a 100% perpetration rate by one sex. In fact natives males are quartered diffusely with females, whereas solders are quartered with males predominantly and thus the distribution is uneven. Since the majority of present-day rapes happen between current or past intimate partners (60%), the patterns are very much different.
The fair way to compare these stats is to that of German and Russian forces from the same time, which is totally fair game. But bending numbers to claim that women were safer with GI Joes in 1944 than in present days is just fucking bullshit.
You appear to bend the numbers every step of the way to support a conclusion you simply can’t draw. Here’s the laundry list of issues:
Then I suppose you retract the accusation that my numbers were wrong, and only maintain that my conclusion was wrong?
- The reported numbers of today and the estimated numbers from 1944 are uncomparable I find it crazy to use a multiplier within the same scale to 1944 rapes as to 2022 rape.
We aren’t using the same multiplier with 1944 rapes and 2022 rapes. The estimates of the UN and the estimates of J. Robert Lilly are not done using the same multiplier.
and male victims in the estimates
The estimate of total rapes extrapolated from number of reported rapes includes the reported rapes of men by men in WW2.
D) Age of consent was redefined over the years, with now 3rd of 2022 rapes were committed against underaged girls (younger than 15) in France.
The age of consent in France was 13 in 1940, and 15 in 1945, where it has been ever since.
- You can’t draw conclusions on population distribution-dependent statistics, by assuming a 50-50% distribution but a 100% perpetration rate by one sex.
By your own number cited just above, it would be a 96% perpetration rate by one sex. So, uh, don’t really know what you’re trying to prove here.
In fact natives males are quartered diffusely with females, whereas solders are quartered with males predominantly and thus the distribution is uneven. Since the majority of present-day rapes happen between current or past intimate partners (60%), the patterns are very much different.
The fair way to compare these stats is to that of German and Russian forces from the same time, which is totally fair game. But bending numbers to claim that women were safer with GI Joes in 1944 than in present days is just fucking bullshit.
My point was to illustrate that the article was not saying what was implied. The rape rate of American soldiers in WW2 France was not significantly over the rape rate of the civilian population by the numbers the article itself cited. As far as “Let’s talk about American crimes” go, “The American soldiers were as bad as civilians, statistically speaking” is not very compelling.
As mentioned, elsewhere, the numbers of American rapes in Germany were much worse. But France? Terrible example.
Then I suppose you retract the accusation that my numbers were wrong, and only maintain that my conclusion was wrong?
I updated my comment.
We aren’t using the same multiplier with 1944 rapes and 2022 rapes. The estimates of the UN and the estimates of J. Robert Lilly are not done using the same multiplier.
You’re right. My source claims to have used “police recorded” incidents only. Again reporting patterns, definitions, and perceptions are extremely different now, especially post meetoo, than in 1944. I.e., you’re using a multiplier on a heavily underreported number (1944) to compare to a heavily overreported number (based on change in criteria) from 2022.
The age of consent in France was 13 in 1940, and 15 in 1945, where it has been ever since.
Good on you for looking this up. Your search history must look interesting. Regardless, unless they changed the age of consent and its enforcement before May 1945, this actually supports my point.
Okay? [on population distribution]
The background on this is, the first time I realized Elon Musk is either very dumb or a nazi (or both) was when he boosted a post on interracial violence that did not adjust for population distribution. It’s one of those ways to make outlandish statements that are “technically correct”. It’s like saying that based on their lower obesity rates, stone age people were healthier than modern humans.
As mentioned, elsewhere, the numbers of American rapes in Germany were much worse. But France? Terrible example.
That’s a point I consider much more acceptable. Yet this ruined an otherwise pretty funny original post.
- Your numbers are
I wonder if people are more likely to report it today than they were 80 years ago. Or if more report in England vs France? I honestly don’t know much about that aspect of their cultures.
I wonder if people are more likely to report it today than they were 80 years ago.
Almost certainly, but the estimate of rapes in WW2 was, itself, done by assuming that only 5% of rapes were reported.
More pertinently, rapists use time, social connections, and lack of oversight to commit their crimes. All of those factors would’ve been in short supply for US soldiers in France, for various reasons.
The conduct of US soldiers in Germany, on the other hand, was considerably worse.
OP overestimates rape incidence in present day by over 5 fold. I can guarantee that they report it at a much higher rate today as there are actual procedures on how to handle it. it reads like rationalizing rape committed by soldiers.
OP overestimates rape incidence in present day by over 5 fold.
Fuck’s sake, can you not read the sources you yourself provide?
I can guarantee that they report it at a much higher rate today as there are actual procedures on how to handle it.
Yes, it is generally considered that ~25%-33% of rapes are reported in the modern day, whereas the researcher on WW2 whose numbers are quoted assumed, probably not unfairly, that only ~5% of rapes were reported - which is how the estimate of 3,500 rapes was reached.
it reads like rationalizing rape committed by soldiers.
… what.
Since you decide to be salty and whiny about a joke, let’s educate you a bit:
Such a fragile ego, so easily hurt.
By the rules of “we got there first”, France would owe Canada for that one.
You wasted a perfectly good opportunity for a Hamilton reference. I was very sad when it didn’t arrive