What a complete joke that company is
I’m glad to hear he won’t “lose interest” in working now. I can’t wait to see his next big plan after the industry dominating cyber truck.
Spoiler alert: it mostly involves shit-posting on Twitter and sexually harassing his employees.
I should ask my boss for $56 billion so I don’t lose interest in working
He’ll start a recycling company to recycle the shitty cyber trucks when they break down or when people get rid of them because they’re shit.
I think if you read between the line, Tesla people aren’t just worried that he will stop working as hard for them, but also worried that he will flip and become an active detractor of theirs. Look at what he’s done with OpenAI. You can say he owns too many shares of Tesla but he could do quite a bit of damage to their stock price merely by selling them.
To be clear this isn’t official results, this is what musk is projecting.
But the only think the big holders care about is their return rates. And they know Tesla is waaaaaaay overvalued. It’s all based on hype.
So would Tesla be a better company free of musk?
But they don’t care about that. Musk hype drove the stock price up, no real company would be so overvalued. Without continued hype, the price goes down, which might cause a run on the stock and might end the company.
musk is Tesla. And it’s why the company will be nothing but hype. Doesn’t matter if the company loses money as long as stock price keeps going up.
Making quality vehicles isnt their business model, it’s keeping the stock price up.
Yeah at this point it’s a question of when the hype ends and it all comes tumbling down. There’s nothing but investor sentiment holding the price where it’s at.
Year over year revenue is down 50%, consistently for several quarters. Three missed quarterly estimates in a row.
The smart money is moving to catch the Nvidia bubble.
No but you see he is a visionary! A real life Tony Stark!! He’ll do great things with that money like… Making
TwitterX likes private for some reason…? I’m sure that cost a lot of money somehow /sIt has been cringe in the extreme to watch them debate whether they are giving their babyman chieftain enough billions to appease him.
Yeah that 500b company printing money and disrupting the entire transportation industry. What 👏 a 👏 joke 👏 lol.
They just gave a compensation package to their CEO that’s worth more than all the profit they’ve ever made. It’s absolutely a joke
If true, I wish I could give you more than my sad one up-vote.
Yeah they have like $30B all time profit, about half of which was last year though
Apparently it’s now 444B, lol
according to a social media post by Musk himself
Very few in the comments seems to have noticed this pretty crucial part.
Let’s wait and see the actual result.Edit:
Ah well, they actually went ahead and did it. Good for Musk I guess, I doubt it’s good for anybody else.
I’d love to hear from anyone at all who can give me a reason why the shareholders would vote for this. The stock value has been going down for both the 1 year and 3 year time frames, so he’s not doing great things today. The company only made a profit of $18B last year, so this is like wiping out 3 years of profitability in one step. This package is over half of the company’s total revenue!! In what world do investors think it’s a good idea to say one guy deserves almost as much as the entire company brings in for a year?
Nepo babies understand each other’s need to suck money from people who produce the value.
As the holder of roughly $45 worth of Tesla stock, I voted against his pay package and every other shady, bullshit proposal on the ballot. My vote counted for almost nothing and I’d probably be considered an “activist shareholder” anyway, but it was worth the money I’ve lost to get to click that button anyway.
Because it makes the line go up?
Sustainability doesn’t matter. Musk’s hype holds the market value up (in the short term), and kicking him out could tank it from the controversy alone. That’s all that matters.
I like to think many investors are buy and hold, long term institutional, Warren acolytes or whatever, but in reality the outlook is just so short for so many people now. What matters is the next day and the next quarter, and they can just bail out after that.
Insane. No one person should have, or deserve, 56 billion dollars. And especially this piece of shit.
is it his yearly bonus? I can’t seem to understand it because of so he is leeching and crippling the shit out of tesla
I don’t think so. I think it’s a one-time compensation package at present, but I could be wrong.
I don’t understand it because that money could go to the actual people doing the actual work — and I’m quite sure they deserve it and could use it far more than Musk.
Imagine if they had instead hired 500,000 people on $100,000 each. They could have bought the entire city of Detroit and had it making Teslas, instead they’ve got one coked up narcissist.
Musk is not getting billions worth salary. You can’t hire 500,000 people using his package. Unless you believe that these workers should be eating shares instead of food.
Once the shares vest then he can get the money. The point still stands, just not immediately.
The point doesn’t stand, because you can’t get 500,000 people.
You can offer shares to employees to supplement salary, its very common. It could be used to attract or retain staff by offering less salary but a larger overall package than their rivals and tie in the employees for a period of time till the shares vest.
Yeah, but not 500,000 of them.
I’ve read that all they’re doing is diluting the current shares, so in essence the current shareholders are screwing themselves over by devaluing their own shares.
Pretty dumb
Even if the shares drop by 90% of their value after distribution and liquidation, that’s still 50,000 people you could pay 100,000.
Lol, ook.
Wait…when did it go from 46 to 56?
And also…do the “shareholders” think this will improve the value of the company? Isn’t it more than half of their revenue? Wouldn’t this actually be a really bad thing for Tesla’s value? Isn’t Tesla one of the few EV producers with quickly dropping sales figures? Are the shareholders actually just Mlon Eusk? Enquiring minds want to know!
Those idiots decided to throw away their money to a grifter, who are we to judge? Let them drive the company to the ground, plenty of EV producers actually making good cars.
I’d be fine with all them diamond handing their way to bankruptcy, if it didn’t help enrich that dickhead musk.
They turned on the fully automated self driving feature and now they cannot turn it off.
plenty of EV producers actually making good cars.
Are there? I’m waiting. Maybe the Ionic 6.
That’s the kinda attitude that takes you places, yer gonna go far kid!
Tesla “shareholders” clearly don’t have the interests of their company in mind if they’re approving a 56 billion dollar compensation package for their “CEO.”
We’re living in a new age of personality cults.
We really are
Tesla shareholders are preparing for a big short or something.
That’s like, a million people’s wages. Absurd.
It’s far, far more money than all the people he just laid off because he “had no other choice”
I like to compare these amounts as time.
1 million seconds is about 11 days. 1 billion seconds is almost 32 years.
When a dragon hoards the people’s gold, the solution isn’t to give it more gold.
I think I’d calculated this out to $34000 per unit sold last year.
That’s nucking futs.
Then they are completely retarded idiots. I look forward to seeing them lose more money
I can only assume they are somehow expecting a cut or kickback from this, I can’t think of anything he’s done in the last 10 years that was actually good for the company. You have to live under a rock, or more accurately in an echo chamber, to believe someone like this is good for the profitability of a company, let alone deserves that many zeros.
This company is doomed lol. Fucking dimwits.
Dumber than a box of rocks.
Stupid fucks must share in his assholian philosophy
I def voted no with my three shares.
You mean your 1.5 shares. Wait, no, it’ll still be three shares, they’ll just be worth 1.5 current shares.