Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong.
The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.
Are you kidding me? You did the test wrong on a safety critical feature? No you dumbass engineer, you designed it wrong. Why in the holy fuck would you make a safety critical algorithm keep applying more pressure on subsequent attempts??? That’s literally the opposite of what you do for safety.
This is why, as a software developer, I’m against designing any system that assumes what the user wants and tries to do it for them automatically. On the occasions where the assumption is right, it’s a mild convenience at best. When it’s wrong, it is always infuriating if not dangerous.
Yeah, I’m an embedded software developer myself and yeah, when we architect our code we have safety critical sections identified with software safety reviews and we always go with the assumption that we’re going to run into that one guy who’s the living embodiment of Murphy’s law and go from there with that design to minimize the potential for injury and death.
Can’t imagine who the hell is in charge of the software safety reviews there that let that pass.
“Oh my, the cake box/finger/dog was in the way, but thanks for automation, the door didn’t close!”
The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.
What the fuck kind of idiots are leading things over there? “Something’s in the way. Better crush it!” What a bunch of morons putting everyone in danger.
“If it encounters resistance, the brushless motor increases in pressure until it closes fully.” Guess the company:
- DeWalt
- Milwaukee
- Makita
- Tesla
Musk seems to be increasingly infecting the whole company with his idiocy.
The sane people were fired or left. I’m sure most of who’s left are either stuck or like to lick elons taint.
Why the hell would it close harder if there is something in the way? That’s not the correct behavior for a lid, that’s the correct behavior for powered shears.
We built it wrong as a joke
How many miles? Would you say, ten million?
We deliberately made it fail critical. It’s your fault for expecting fail safe!
I know I’m old school and all that, but why do people want to pay for automatically closing doors of any kind? Automatic opening of cargo spaces I get, if you have your bags full of hands or whatever, but once you put the stuff in there… Seem like such an incredibly unnecessary and costly feature, that also have a high chance of failing in the future. I don’t get it.
Because taking stuff out is like putting stuff in, only in the reverse order.
Except when the stuff is in, you have free hands to close doors and hatches
I think we’re on two different wavelengths.
Put stuff in: Stand next to closed car with no free hands, could use automatically opening doors.
Take stuff out: Open car. Pick up stuff out of the car. Stand next to open car with no free hands, could use automatically closing doors.
Good question. My wife’s RAV4 has a rear door that will only close if you press a button. You can’t close it manually. Furthermore, it’s on the door while it’s open and my five foot tall wife can barely reach it. It’s ridiculous.
Wouldn’t your wife have a hard time closing it manually too then?
You know, that’s true and it didn’t even occur to me. I guess she just wouldn’t have bought it? (I would have been fine with that, I hate SUVs, even hybrids.)
We’ve got a 2019 Rav and I can’t remember how, but you can adjust the height that the door opens to by some series of button pushes. We had to lower it so that it doesn’t hit the frame of the garage door when opening it inside the garage. Maybe just adjust it so that it doesn’t open all the way and it’ll be easier for her to reach the button?
I’ll let her know about that. Thanks.
I actually sell these. You can manually lower the door to the height that works comfortably, then hold the automatic door button down for about 3 seconds. That should program the door to a new maximum height.
Because like you said, it’s a nice to have feature. I like my wife’s auto closing hatch for when I have a handful of boxes for that final grocery run and just walk away and it closes. It’s literally just really nice convenience feature and if it fails, you go back to closing it manually.
I get it’s nice to have, and if it somehow cost nothing I wouldn’t mind having it in a car, if it’s pretty much guaranteed that when it fails it doesn’t prevent me from open/close manually. But I’d much rather not pay for neither the R&D, engineering, parts and manufacturing of it, only to end up with a more complex door mechanism that is more expensive to repair and more likely to break. When all it does is give me the slightest of conveniences. Best example of this is the motorized charging port lid on the Rivian. Like, whyyyy? Cheaper and longer lasting vehicles, please.
It strikes me as exactly the kind of engineering call that Elon has tended to make, time after time. With zero training in an area, he gets a solution in his head crufted up from some set of pre-existing notions or points of view and then pushes to have them implemented. He will also go on to fire anyone who disagrees with him. I spoke with an engineer who worked on the gull wing doors, which the team had objected to, and not only did he force them through, he burst in on one of the finalization meetings where they had finally reached a design consensus and insisted they change the hinge. Given similar reports on his behavior regarding other products (including especially twitter), I have no reason to disbelieve this person.
Must… break… finger… push mooooaaaa. ~Tesla
5 year old me after it bounces back from my finger I accidentally put there- agaaaain! agaaain!
And the stupidest of all car owners is not smarter than a 5y old kid.
The customer is always wrong.
Feel like this could have been demonstrated with a hot dog
He did demonstrate it that way, specifically with a carrot. And it somewhat worked. The problem is they programmed it to do more and more pressure every time it fails meaning that doing the carrot first actually caused a safety issue. He only moved onto his finger because the safety feature seemed to be working.
The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.
Because I am the bag commander. If I want the bag to fit, and it doesn’t fit, I’d better crush it!
Penis, got it!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Then he wouldn’t get nearly as many views. Or have articles written about him
He tested it with multiple similar objects.
Or a penis.
Man youtubers are dumb as hell. Use a stick or something
He used a banana, an organic dildo, and a carrot. It snapped the carrot and then he decided to try with his arm, hand, and finger.
organic dildo
He slammed his peantus in the hood?
No, that would ruin the steel of totally high quality.
Someone somewhere is going to do this now. They’ll probably be from Florida.
Then it’s his own damn fault. Even if he tries suing, he will lose.
Sticks don’t get clicks.
I would have preferred a ‘will it blend’ format with the ultimate test being the Cybertruck’s own keyfob (you have one job!)
A Tesla engineer said the test was done wrong because the frunk increases in pressure every time.
“You are holding it wrong!” 🤣
Of course it just keeps hitting harder when things are in the way.
Literally Tesla’s response
I’m sure these “engineers” were confused everytime they saw an elevator door not mercilessly crush people.
This breakthrough technology could finally provide a way to teach people on the MTA not to hold the doors.
They learnt about consent from Elon.
Probably “graduated college” the same way as Elon too
It that point why not just have some blades slide out on the third try?
Why bother when the door itself is an effective guillotine?
The vehicles deny reality, same as their creator…
If it increases in pressure every time, I’m now curious how many times you need to close the trunk to cut a finger off
He forgot to turn on Finger Safe Mode™️ before closing the trunk
But this feature requires an extra monthly subscription, that wasn’t included with the package of the YouTubers
Well to be fair, that functionality is a pretty pricey add-on.
Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong.
You know what they say… Don’t stick your finger in crazy
Bought it to begin with so his intelligence is suspect at the outset
Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong.
Removed by mod
That engineer was channeling Steve Jobs.
If you read the article, it’s not a statement with entirely no merit.
The engineers prioritized an algorithm which is far more likely to be useful in real world scenarios where you keep trying to cram a bunch of stuff in the frunk and close it (who hasn’t done this?) rather than the edge case of repeatedly testing it with vegetables until you stick your finger in it.
Anyway, I suppose it’s back to the drawing board.
This is why you keep your safety features consistent. If they want bag close mode, then make it where you hold instead of press a button or something. It “happening automatically” is just unpredictable to most, not magical
Fair point.
There should be no algorithm. It should be done by a human. There are no amount of lines of code I will ever make up for knowing intent and what the current situation is.
If it’s going to be closed by software it needs to prioritize safety 100% of the time. If more pressure is needed and that pressure needs to come from a human.
Do we also have something like r/dontputyourdickinthat on lemmy?
What person with an automated cargo door closure mechanism has thought “stop protecting my stuff and just fucking close”?
I’ll admit it annoys me when there’s something in the way that keeps my door from latching and it reopens, but I’d rather have to clear the door and shut it manually than it force itself closed and jams the door or break my shit.
Its just like elevators, really. You put your hand in to stop the doors closing, they open again before touching your arm. Next time they close gently on your arm. Third time, the doors snap shut and the elevator ascends without further warning, resulting in traumatic amputation.
Is there a hidden /s? I actually cant tell
Wait what? Are there actually elevators “programmed” this way‽ (can this behavior even be changed in the controller?)
Because I have never “tested” this behavior per se (I mean you mostly want your elevator to move anyway so you ideally remove the obstruction the first time it didn’t fully close…)
I’ve seen cases where it takes some time to the group of people in the elevator to figure out the obstruction. Because it won’t even touch the object, just reopen again and again.
So no, elevators don’t do that, and I assume the parent comment is sarcastic.
Thats what I was hoping, but it was presented so deadpan that theres enough countries in the world that this could theoretically be true for some of them
I was joking, commenting on the absurdity of a safety system that deliberately gets less safe each time it triggers. Can you imagine the crush injuries and lawsuits if that were true? Not to mention all those movie scenes where someone repeatedly stops the elevator so they can confess their love to someone? They would end in tragedy.
No, elevators are infinitely patient, and will never close the doors on any object large enough to be a crush hazard. Dog leashes, yes sometimes, but not arms and feet.
… …No.
This is live example of how IQ doesn’t correlate with „success” though who knows if this funny test would even correlate with what we mean when we think of intelligence in this example
Maybe the greed for views and fanboism wins over no matter the brains
that car looks like shit
I saw my first cybertruck in person the other day. It looks incredibly dumb in promotional photos, but it’s astonishing how much stupider it looks in traffic surrounded by normal vehicles.
The stupidest thing about it to me is that it’s not really functional as a truck but look at it
I love when owners show off how “practical” that truck bed is - when it has about the same carrying capacity as my roadster’s trunk.
are owners actually doing this or is it just haters like me saying that they are? I assume they are all getting stuck in sand
The crazy part to me is that he tried a carrot and it didn’t open for it. Yet he thought it was a good idea to try his finger which it about the same size.
At least he didn’t try with a cylinder.
This is sad. The cybertruck is a deathtrap on wheels and somehow “money” got it to pass any “money” to safety tests is beyond me…
somehow “money” got it to pass any “money” to safety tests is beyond me…
This sentence brought to you by Stroke™️. Have you had a stroke lately?™️
Stroke is not a joke mate, we lost many good people that way
Yeah but we lost some shitty ones that way too so it balances out
When I initially heard about the Cybertruck I was really hoping it would stay a concept and never get made.
The cybertruck is an iq test.
An evolutionary trap