Yeah but Brave? Why not Firefox or Vivaldi.
Firefox +50% in Germany, +30% in France
Cause Firefox is trash and Mozilla a shell of their former selves?
Also it’s so liberating to speak your mind without caring what some scrub with his sweaty fingers on the downvote button thinks
Vivaldi is extremely slow on IOS and 2gb+ big. Firefox has no extensions so no Adblock. Generally there are few privacy friendly/Foss browsers on IOS.
Generally there are few privacy friendly/Foss browsers on IOS.
Um, Safari is so privacy friendly that Google regularly asks me if I’m human. For example it has “private relay” which is similar to TOR* so trackers don’t even know your IP address — combine that with blocking third party cookies (and even some first party cookies) by default and providing false data to fight fingerprinting even if you don’t block trackers entirely - and blocking them entirely is as simple as installing an extension. Private Relay also adds a layer of encryption on top of DNS queries and otherwise unencrypted http traffic… so your ISP/Cellular provider/Work/School/abusive husband/etc can’t track you
99.99% of the Safari’s code is FOSS — dual licensed under LGPL and BSD.
It’s not the browser I use - pretty lacking in the feature department, but it’s definitely more pro-privacy than Brave or FireFox. I’ve never had to jump through a captcha to use Google in those browsers.
(* if anything, it’s better than TOR… with that service there’s a risk your entry/exit nodes are tracking you. With Private Relay it’s always one of Apple’s servers for the entry node and a reputable cloud company like Akamai for the exit node. Both would have to be compromised in order to identify you… maybe a nation state can do that, but a big data tracking company definitely can’t)
it’s definitely more pro-privacy than Brave or FireFox. I’ve never had to jump through a captcha to use Google in those browsers.
You have this backwards. Google showing you captchas is basically them saying they can’t match your browser to any know (shadow) profile they have already stored. So they aren’t sure you are a human and if so which one specifically. Getting harassed with a captcha is essentially like a badge of honour for your browsers privacy settings.
Vivaldi is my go to browser. Brave does a better job with blocking ads. I’m switching to Brave whenever I need to stream something on a site loaded with ads, or when YouTube manages to detect my Adblock for a few days.
Brave is garbage. It’s a cryptoscam adscam browser based on Chrome. For the love of god, use Firefox (or Vivaldi if you absolutely need chromium)
whats wrong with chromium?
It allows Google to continue controlling the Internet.
Brave is great, has configurable keybinds, nice default adblock block list, vertical tabs, syncing sessions without email, etc.
And on android it can play youtube vids on the background.
The crypto ads just get disabled on the new tab page, you don’t even have to go to the settings lol. And vivaldi is partially closed source btw.
That graph is trash. The baseline needs to be at zero.
Could you please clarify why the baseline needs to be at 0? I’m genuinely curious.
I mean sure I guess… but brave as a browser is atrocious. I don’t trust their bullshit at all.
After all who doesn’t want a crypto wallet in their browser? that’s the safest place for it right?
3,000 people clicked a button out of curiosity or by mistake. If this is statistically relevant for their install base, there really is nobody using Brave. I have as many users randomly come and go into my game on a daily basis.
Maybe Europeans like crypto scamware
And once again, I am seriously questioning Apple’s privacy claims. Why else would Apple build such a moat around Safari?
Because they can limit it and thus make app more attractive and keep a 30% cut?
For god sakes don’t use Brave. Brave has been caught doing shady shit in the past, and the CEO is a piece of shit on top of that.
Use Firefox with privacy addons.
But in iOS , addons (ublock origin) are not available at least outside EU, so brave is the better choice as it got brave shield . everywhere else I use Firefox.
Misleading graph trying to make a 150% increase look like a 1000% increase.
Read the left side? 7k-11k, the removed useless information, provided you read what is actually there first.
I’ve been using Firefox on my android phones for years though, I don’t remember it ever being more involved then setting it as default on the popup on first launch.
Still wouldn’t touch Brave Browser due to their past crypto shenanigans.
I dont know wtf this is about; I have NEVER had a problem switching default browsers in ANY environment.