Tesla has no press office and has not rebutted the news, but Musk took to his social network to declare that “Reuters is dying,” then in another post claimed that “Reuters is lying (again).”
Fucking embarrassing.
This is an easy test. If Reuters is lying, that means the Model 2 is still in development. Prove that Reuters is lying, Elon. you are uniquely positioned to be able to do that.
Best he can do is be an insufferable jackass.
They can’t make a good car at triple the price. Why would anyone buy this one?
Personally I was shopping Tesla Model Y vs Chevy Blazer. At a glance, this seems to fall right in with what you’re saying but the reality was very different.
- Tesla started off with an advantage by actually being available
- even when Blazer was released, as a new model, it had much worse quality issues, very little availability, and huge markups
- Tesla was a mature model, with no quality issues
- Tesla was much less expensive
- Tesla was rated 100 miles more range
- Tesla is much more efficient
- Tesla has an outstanding charging network
- Tesla has a much easier purchasing process, with fewer middlemen to scam profits
- Tesla software and automation is on a whole different level
The decision really wasn’t close
Hey, I’m happy you’re happy. But Tesla absolutely still has quality control issues.
Regarding the sales process: in Tesla’s early days, they received an exception to the requirement for needing to use dealerships. Generally this is very shady and is outright unfair towards other car manufacturers—even Rivian didn’t get this same special treatment because lawmakers saw how Tesla abused it.
Tesla’s growing monopoly on charging networks isn’t something to be proud of, in my opinion, and neither is their proprietary charging cable. We need open standards.
Also, Tesla’s mileage estimates are notoriously exaggerated. Perhaps technically you can get the claimed range if the entire trip is downhill…
- why is wanting to sell direct shady? You may have reasons to think this particular situation is, but the model is not inherently shady. Meanwhile car sales from dealerships have a long standing and well deserved reputation for shadiness. Surely not all are, but the sales model encourages it. Many of us dread dealing with a dealer after experiencing shady sales practices, so are happy to try a different model and see if it will be different. Certainly this was one of the only car purchases I’ve had where I didn’t feel dirty and abused.
- Tesla’s chargers are standard. Sure, they had to create their own since there was no standard at the time, but last year their cable and connector was accepted as a standard in the US and adopted by the majority of manufacturers
- There is no monopoly on chargers, there is only Tesla installing more than everyone else, and making sure they work. Now that most manufacturers are adopting that standard, their vehicles are becoming welcome on Tesla’s network
- while you’re right that I don’t get the range that was on the sticker for my Tesla, this is “normal”: my old Civic got 12mpg, my old Subaru got 21mpg, yet both were rated over 30. How you use it makes a huge difference
It would be better if direct sales were allowed, but unfortunately dealerships are required by law in almost all US states. The shady bit is how Tesla got one of the few exceptions and continues to be exempt despite being among the leading car manufacturers in the USA. All other leading manufacturers are required by state laws to sell their vehicles through dealerships.
Tesla’s NCAS chargers only began to allow non-Teslas to use it from 2019, so this is kind of recent history in terms of car ownership and network coverage.
I’ve driven 120k miles on my Tesla, and have a different observation on range and efficiency. Even with sub-optimal winter tires and roof rack rails, I can still attain rated efficiency. It does require appropriate temperatures and speeds though, more sensitive to that than ICE cars in my experience. 80k miles in a Chevy Bolt demonstrated about the same tendencies.
We are getting the standard in the form of NACS, but Tesla still owns the chargers. They could always abandon NACS and switch it up/require a costly adapter.
We are a long way from hitting any limits in the number of deployed chargers. It’s a wide open market and there’s government money to make it easier. Any company could have as many chargers now, if they chose to spend the money. Any company could have chosen to do the maintenance to keep their chargers in working order.
While Tesla’s lead in chargers is one of the reasons I chose them, I’m not sure it’s reasonable to call it a monopoly. We’re still at the beginning of the market, with huge untapped potential and room for all to grow
I don’t think that’s how Tesla owners feel. 🤔 I think most are pretty happy. (Me included)
Hopefully yours doesn’t have body panel gaps you can see from part way across the parking lot. A couple doctors at the surgery center I was at had Teslas, and one of them was pretty unhappy with the build quality on the one he got.
What are your feelings on the racist lunatic running the company?
Shouldn’t be a big deal: Why would anyone still buy a Tesla at this point? If someone is going to buy a car they probably don’t want something with garbage build quality and shitty support.
Those Volvos are looking kinda good though…
Sorry, I know this is controversial and I’ll probably get down voted to hell, but I love my model Y Tesla and I think the full self driving is amazing (I didn’t pay for it, there’s a free trial this month). Musk is an idiot and an asshole but there’s a lot more people working at Tesla that made some amazing vehicles.
Just to be clear, “Full Self Driving” is the marketing name for the product. You are instructed to keep your hands on the wheel at all times and Tesla accepts no responsibility at all if it screws up (unlike Mercedes, who takes responsibility for their level 3 autonomous driving service).
And for other people who happen to read this, the only reason Tesla may seem ahead with their technology is that they just don’t care about safety. Tesla won’t have a safe product until they actually accept responsibility for their product’s failings.
Their infotainment system and app are pretty great compared to some other brands.
I’m currently driving a VW id5 and it’s like they’ve never designed any kind of software interfaces at all. Example:
- the VW app can tell me the car is unlocked, but can’t lock it for me.
- it can’t show me the VIN number, even though I had to use it to register it ( it was hidden in my user profile on the site somewhere )
- I can let it pre-heat and such, but only on two schedules .
- can’t schedule appointments through the app
- that weird sliding thingy for switching between speed limiter and cruise control is unintuitive AF
- every other time I’m driving it’s giving me a pop up saying “there are new updated user settings for your account”. With only an ok and a cancel button. Where are they? What are they? Where can I find them? Did clicking"ok" accept them? Not a clue. When does it show this message that blocks the rest of the UI? After 1 minute of driving.
Not to hate on VW engineers but goddamnit guys. Get your shit together and hire a UX expert. Shortly drove a BMW 1 series before the VW and the infotainment was a lot more practical to use.
Like sure removed Elon, but why do you think FSD is unsafe? They publish the accident rate, it’s lower than the national average.
There are times where it will removed up, I’ve experienced this. However there are times where it sees something I physically can’t because of either blindspots or pillars in the car.
Having the car drive and you intervene is statistically safer than the national average. You could argue the inverse is better (you drive and the car intervenes), but I’d argue that system would be far worse, as you’d be relinquishing final say to the computer and we don’t have a legal system setup for that, regardless of how good the software is (e.g you’re still responsible as the driver).
You can call it a marketing term, but in reality it can and does successfully drive point to point with no interventions normally. The places it does fuckup are consistent fuckups (e.g bad road markings that convey the wrong thing, and you only know because you’ve been on that road thousands of times). It’s not human, but it’s far more consistent than a human, in both the ways it succeeds and fails. If you learn these patterns you can spend more time paying attention to what other drivers are doing and novel things that might be dangerous (people, animals, etc ) and less time on trivial things like mechanically staying inside of two lines or adjusting your speed. Looking in your blindspot or to the side isn’t nearly as dangerous for example, so you can get more information.
FSD beta is level 2 which still counts as a driver assist system. That’s why it’s on the driver’s responsibility. Level 3 means you can do other stuff while the car drives itself. If Tesla was marketin FSD beta as level 3 then by definition they would need to take responsibility when it fails. So far there’s only one death linked to FSD beta so I don’t quite get where the “they don’t care about safety” is coming from. I’m pretty sure V12 is already a safer driver than a human. When FSD beta fails it generally means it got stuck somewhere, not that it crashed and killed the passengers.
This is the key. I’ve actually been saved a few times now by FSD catching something I didn’t see, like some deer. I’m collecting videos of the things it does that impress me to share when my trial is over.
That thing you have a free trial for just comes as standard in other cars at that price…
Sorry, I’m not aware, what car comes standard with that?
Land Rover
Some of them are options, but none of them are subscription.
Those are brands, not specific cars, and to my knowledge BMW is the only car that offers a level 3 option. Tesla has level 2 as standard (known as autopilot).
I’m not going to spend hours researching a Lemmy post. These are the brands that offer level 2 driving features that Tesla offers.
Sooo I don’t get your point. They do the same thing as Tesla does standard too?
Judging by the amount of Teslas I encounter in traffic it seems like there’s plenty of reasons for people to buy one. It’s a highly desired car. This anti-Tesla/Elon attitude isn’t particularly common outside social media.
It’s anecdotal, but I know a couple Tesla owners and they both have bitched about the range, quality control, and bad service.
Scrapped my plans to buy a Tesla a while ago!
For all the infallible saints and self-righteous pontificators in the comment section, it’s okay to want Tesla to be successful and and make better cars, and also not want Elon Musk in charge of it.
Or, the real reason.
As the manbaby he is, and given the reason it would be named ‘2’ (so that the lineup would be 2S3XY), someone informed him of that shirtless picture on the yacht and the incomming endless memes about him being 2S3XY for his shirt.
What is up with all these haters. My friend has a model Y for 3yrs now and never had any issues. It is a great car. Panels gaps are fine, no ratlling dash. I drove it and I loved it! If I could afford it, I would buy the new model 3.
Maybe Europe has different standards but they’re great cars!
If you completely take Musk out of the equation, my issues with Tesla are:
- The whole carbon credits thing
- The price point is premium, but the build quality often isn’t
- Other companies have largely eaten their lunch, launching solid EV’s that rival or better Tesla
- Their reputation was built off of the end-goal of mass-producing affordable EV’s, something they will now not do.
Survivor bias is a thing. One car not having issues doesn’t mean all or majority of them don’t. Besides I think people have their expectations messed up. For a 60k$ car it has to be perfect, not just “not having issues” because in ICE world that amount of money buys you some seriously good car.
Plus what’s up with hating a company just because it’s CEO is an outspoken dickhead? He doesn’t even seem to be paying attention to Tesla anymore, so can’t we decide on a company’s products, by what the company actually does?
And I’ll agree, maybe the rest of the world has other choices, but in the US, there are good reasons Tesla dominates the EV market. You don’t have to agree, but should be able to see the reality
Tesla’s image and public perception was built mostly on the salesmanship of Elon Musk the man (mainly through self-agrandising promises, like the Cyber Truck and just straightforward deceit like calling their driving assist “full self driving”), on the consumer side more so early on and on the investor side still very much so even today (hence Tesla’s “Tech startup” kind of market valuation rather than an “auto maker” kind, though that seems to have started correcting).
So it absolutelly makes sense that as trust in Elon Musk the man goes down, so goes trust in his promises and favorable portrayal of his companies’ and their products, and hence the massive PR around Tesla built by him is collapsing along with the public perception of him (it makes no logical sense to expect that a company controled by somebody one sees as a scam artist would impeccably honest and ethical and their products trully delivered on what’s promised in their glitzy marketing materials).
Had Tesla’s image not been build up almost entirelly on “Trust Elon Musk he’s a visionary” you would’ve been right, but as it it is your “argument” comes out as one side “cake and eat it” fanboyism.