It enticed me to start gaming on Linux. So its definitely doing some enticing
I thought I was alone in this lol
Win11 literally made me rage uninstall it after I got mad trying to remove all bloatware and then it showed me onedrive ad
What was your experience switching over to Linux and getting it set up for gaming?
The main setup went smooth. I can recommend nobara which is what I used. I tried garuda as well, but it wasn’t my style. Personal preference, no hate :).
Most steam games work pretty good ( see protondb ). ( make sure to set your steam settings > compatibility to all games ).
Any game with invasive anti-cheat will likely not work. LoL and valorant come to mind. I think some of the cs2 ones like faceit won’t work on Linux. But standard cs2 and competitive work fine. gave me some issues on lutris until I forced it to proton.
Overall I’ve had a good experience. Sometimes a weird issue if I alt tab ( hots ) that it comes back super tiny. I worked around it by running it windowed fullscreen.
Overall I’ve no regrets so far. I installed nobara and it’s quite user friendly. I’ve never used a fedora distro before ( more extensive experience with xubuntu/Ubuntu/pop ).
Helldivers 2, heroes of the storm and ff crisis core worked flawlessly.
Hots needs to run full screen ( windowed ) or alt-tab will make the screen tiny for some reason.
So far: no regrets.
When you first play a game it needs to compile the shaders first. So on your initial game there’s a few minutes ramp up time. But any next times you start the game should be fine.
I have an older GPU (rx 470) and I play games that probably aren’t super new so my main concerns were mainly my tech literacy and fear of fucking something up xD
RX470 is fully supported with the latest drivers. Anything from Radeon HD 7000 (GCN2) series from ~10 years ago and newer uses AMDGPU with (almost) all features available. GCN1 is experimental but also works.
Older cards use the Radeon driver and miss out on Vulkan.
I didn’t really do any CLI commands on nobara. So it’s pretty straightforward. I guess the best experience might be with AMD.
I’m running a ryzen 7 and gtx 2080ti( I think ).
It’s about 4 years old, but it still gets the job done. I’ve had no gfx issues. Nobara installed the nvidia drivers on its own.
If you have a spare HD. I’d recommend giving it a try. I ran popos parallel for a short while to try out gaming.
I was angry and leaped off the deep end. New OS and everything. I have a technical background so with google I probably could save my own ass :D
I tried Garuda as well, and was not happy with the hoops I had to go through. I switched to Pop OS, and have had very smooth sailing so far.
Not the original poster, but my experience was fairly smooth. I had minor issues with wifi drivers, and I got a new GPU that had some driver issues because it was pretty recently released (I guess the open source drivers didn’t have time to be updated?). In terms of actual gaming, basically no issues. I mainly use steam and proton has been bliss, I’ve bought multiple games without even checking compatibility, and it just works. To my knowledge there is only one old game where the multiplayer doesn’t work, but everything else has been seamless. Mint cinnamon is what I’m currently running.
My win10 upgraded without asking. Win11 is horrible, I’m going to wipe and reinstall win10 again. As soon as update support stops, it’s Linux for me. Screw Microsoft. They even added ads as notifications and they are going to put ads in the start menu. Wtf! This is the end of windows, I’m sure.
during the great Mastodon migration in 2022 I saw someone post how they head to unlearn scrolling past every 6th post or so on their timeline, because that’s how the Twitter app was displaying the ads. I wish Microsoft the Very Bad and daydream about year of the Linux desktop, but something’s telling me people will get used to ads on Windows the same way.
You’re definitely right. Facebook got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. Netflix got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. YouTube got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. Amazon’s shitty video service got even more shitty, but Fallout was about to come out, so most people didn’t leave and I bet they actually got more subscribers (but idc enough to look it up). It seems like most people have accepted that things just get shitty over time. Or maybe they’re just not noticing the shitty changes? Idk. It’s hard to look at our projected trajectory as a species and be left with much hope. There’s good in this world, but it seems like none of it is coming from companies.
I didn’t leave Facebook, I just stopped using it. You can see their monthly active users are not going up, and sometimes going down. Only Instagram is growing
Monthly active robots…
I had the same experience when switching from the reddit app to Boost. When Boost stopped working for reddit, I couldn’t stand it so it was bye bye reddit my entire pc connection is ad free. There’s a filter in my router, strong filter in my vpn and I have blockers. I do not watch streaming services, I download everything through usenet with an automated system on my NAS. I have no TV. I order groceries online, I never enter a store. My phone has filters too. I live completely ad free. But then Microsoft comes, and says “fuck you, here’s an ad!” on MY machine. Without consent. I was boiling.
I’m testing out Tiny11, which is basically Windows 11 without the bloat, and so far the experience is great!
My secondhand laptop from 2019 went from taking two minutes or more each to boot and to shut down in the full Microsoft monstrosity to less than 10 seconds for either in Tiny11 and the general performance is also dramatically improved!
(I’m speaking generally, not criticizing you personally.)
It’s amazing the great effort to which people will go to try to compensate for Microsoft’s abusive behavior, often while simultaneously claiming that switching OSs is too much effort.
Projects like Tiny11 are the computer equivalent of “oh, this black eye? I got it falling down the stairs and definitely not because my partner hit me.”
Folks get mad about Linux evangelism, but it’s really no different than friends saying “leave his ass; you’re too good for him!”
To be fair, alternatives like Tiny11 are much more user friendly for someone used to Windows than going all the way to Linux.
Especially if gaming is a big part of what you use your computer for and you prefer to do as much as possible with just the mouse rather than typing in various complex commands, both of which is the case with me.
Windows 11 is too bloated and otherwise enshittified and making Linux do what I want it to is too much of a hassle.
Tiny11 is better for my personal use case on both accounts and, like with Linux, I’m not rewarding Microsoft’s sleazy behavior by using it.
Sounds good, I’ll go check it out :)
I’m using StartAllBack and have found it to be a rather nice experience.
Yeah but that’s only UI issues. It also runs much slower then win10. There are massive performance issues. Next to that I have less rights to do stuff. Few days ago I wasn’t allowed to forget Bluetooth devices for example. Even in control panel bt settings. After XP it all went downhill with accessibility of settings. Fancy setting pages with restricted options. Why, what’s wrong with control panel? I know it’s still there, and we still have WIN+X but it’s getting placed behind more sub menus and restrictions and more and more is being removed to make it idiot proof. But it’s also locking me out. I want full control over my machine. No one tells me what I can and cannot access on my device. Fuck Microsoft.
I made all my accounts local only and I haven’t noticed these issues. I do still use control panel and the old user manager by default, so maybe that’s why?
I also used a special installer which allows for local only accounts out of the box and does some other changes. Maybe that’s why I’m having a better experience. This is the guide I followed. Follow the guide for Rufus.
I used something similar for win10. A stripped down version without all the booking dot com and Xbox bs pre-installed. Only local account. But it auto upgraded to 11. Time for format C.
For me I’m happier with my computer since the XP days with these mods. It’s fast and responsive and doesn’t give me shit. It’s been only a couple months since I reinstalled it, so time will tell, but so far so good.
Microsoft needs to re-evaluate the support window, because nobody’s buying Windows 11. They fucked themselves with the high hardware requirements.
And an incomplete product; windows 11 was less functional at launch than windows 10. I’ve been a windows user since 98 and that’s the first time I can remember having said that. Sure, there were off editions that were weird and unpleasant, but I wouldn’t say less functional. Windows 11 just flat out was an incomplete product at launch.
And the live service dependencies: windows 11 pooping its diaper and having a fit about every other thing because it doesn’t have an Internet connection even though an Internet connection isn’t strictly necessary is a terrible UX choice. Anyone with half a brain knows it’s because MS has decided that if you won’t let them slurp that tasty, tasty data, then you shouldn’t be able to use the product you paid for.
And the plans to stuff ads into your operating system
And them basically doing the same shit that landed them huge anti-trust lawsuits in the 90s, but we’re doing it again because they figure they can make more money than the lawsuit will cost them, so fuck it.
There’s a lot to not like here.
That was an effort to get people to buy new machines. I loaded it on my gen 7 i7 and my gen 8. Both run it just fine but microsoft insists that one is good and one is bad. Its all about new sales.
I dunno if it’s the hardware requirements. The ads are the thing I don’t want. Not sure I see the point of moving the start menu either.
Its a downgrade. It offers nothing but ads. Who wants ads? Why do they feel the need to keep altering the interface? If microsoft manufactured automobiles they would switch the brake and gas pedals every other year.
- Windows 95: Good
- Windows 98: Bad
- Windows 98 SE: Good
- Windows ME: Bad
- Windows XP: Good
- Windows Vista: Bad
- Windows 7: Good
- Windows 8: Bad
- Windows 10: Good
- Windows 11: ?
Why are people still surprised?
XP fucking sucked. It wasn’t good until service pack 3.
You skipped 8.1 which was the good version that fixed the stuff that sucked about 8. It’s existence is almost completely forgotten.
Then Windows 10 came out and it was bad.
They then had about a 10 different OS builds that all had the Windows 10 name instead of giving each build a new name or calling them service packs. The OS that exists now (22h2) has almost nothing in common with the OS that came out in 2015.
Windows 11 has also had several major leaps since that name started. What’s current (23h2) is much much different than the OS that came out in 2021.
Windows 2000 is also missing and was probably the last time Microsoft put out an OS that was good from the start rather than sucking on release.
Also the ones listed as bad from Vista onwards simply never got the improvements.
Vista was actually shockingly solid by the end. 7 on release was essentially just Vista Service Pack 3 with a new taskbar skin, because Vista was completely unmarketable by that point and nobody could be convinced to jump to Vista anymore.
Win2K was the last version of Windows I liked. By 2007 I’d had enough of their shit and moved to Linux. Each and every year since then has validated that choice, as desktop Linux has improved and Windows has enshittified further and further.
I agree with everything you write, but I’ll also add an unpopular opinion as someone who tested the beta version of Vista and hated it: Vista x64 SP2 was a good OS, which solved most of the issues that existed with the OS.
And into this day, it’s the most beautiful Windows UI, at least for me.
Good stopped existing after 7. Only bad and slightly less bad.
Windows 10: Good
People keep repeating that but it’s by far the worst and actually the one that made me bail. What is it that good about it that made it worth sacrificing user choice, privacy, performance, latency, search, startup time, solitaire, and much more?
You’re missing Windows 2000, but I guess you can argue that’s Windows NT not mainline Windows. That was definitely in the good camp, and I was not alone in sticking with it for many years (until XP got good).
Edit: I see @[email protected] beat me to this point.
Windows 95: Good Windows 98: Bad Windows 98 SE: Good Windows ME: Bad Windows XP: ~~Good~~ **GOAT** Windows Vista: Bad Windows 7: Good Windows 8: Bad Windows 10: Good Windows 11: ?
Fixed it for you, thanks!
Edit: strikeout not working as expected…
Too bad win 12 is on track to break the streak.
95 is the best OS of all time.
Y’all need to get yourselves that Windows 10 2021 LTSC IoT badboy (IoT part is important). It’s supported until 2032 and it’s only bloat is edge. If I had to use windows again it would be that.
Yall need to just install linux.
I had to help my sister keep her 8 year old Mac going or buy a new secondhand (cheap) machine. With the options out there and with the state of Windows, I didn’t even consider it.
She’s ended up with her same 8 year old Mac with Ubuntu 24.04, and I’ve been really impressed with how it’s actually great for non-technical users these days! And works really well on old hardware.
This should give her another few years of life out of the thing without worrying about software support.
Go for tumbleweed, it’s supporting wide range of architectures (including even powerpc so you can still use powerpc macs) and it’s rolling release distro on top of that
They should have just kept incrementally upgrading W10. People don’t like big changes and there’s not much encouraging people to 11 except 10 going EOL.
I keep checking videos on YouTube from time to time about whether it is worth upgrading to Win 11 now (which people keep releasing regularly). Keep deciding it’s not worth changing.
Then I sold my laptop and had to use my Steam Deck for a couple of months. At that point I thought if I’m going to learn a different OS, then I might as well go all the way and jump over to Linux. Been very happy with OpenSUSE ever since.
This was my general takeaway. My laptop is showing it’s 9ish year old age considerably. I picked up a used Steam Deck and I actually love everything about it except that it’s really not powerful enough to replace my laptop. I’m interested in building a desktop, and SteamOS taught me that modern Linux is not super complicated, and now I know that it’s not a huge pain in the ass to troubleshoot because the community isn’t nearly as toxic as I was expecting. So unless I learn of an even better distro for general use, gaming, streaming, audio recording, and video editing, all for somebody who is experienced with Windows and not much else, I’m leaning towards Nobara.
The only real hurdle I have is that it’s hard to justify dumping like $1200-1500 on a computer when I already have a PS5, Steam Deck, and gaming laptop. I really don’t need it.
Depends on what you want to do. I sold my 2 year old gaming laptop and managed to spend 2 months getting amazing bargains on secondhand parts to make an amazing gaming PC. The Steam Deck and that does a great job of streaming the more demanding games from the PC.
The 9 year old laptop might be surprisingly functional if you use something like ZorinOS on it.
I’ll be honest, troubleshooting is still a gigantic pain in the ass sometimes. But if you can get over the hill of setting up the OS, then you’re good to go. The thing that’s made Linux bearable for me is AI. If I have a problem then I write it out in Copilot or ChatGPT, and it usually gives me the solution on the first try with a command o can just paste into terminal.
Tumbleweed, leap or slowroll?
Tumbleweed…and Kubuntu before that…and EndeavourOS before that…and ZorinOS before that…and Linux Mint before that…and Ubuntu before that.
But I’ve finally found Tumbleweed to be the OS to stick with. Although I do sometimes feel tempted to go back and try EndeavourOS now that I know more about Linux.
I’m pretty sure he is using Tumbleweed.
Huh. So shitting on your customers is a bad thing?
Wow who would have thought….
Good. Windows 11 is trash.
I must admit I’m on the edge of jumping ship, even the software which has been keeping me locked to windows is getting less and less appealing.
Do a flip!
Do a barrel roll!
Shoe on head.
I use Linux at home exclusively (Linux Mint Debian Edition).
Don’t need Windows for anything but when I worked Enterprise IT the move to Windows 10 was a massive pain but we finally got it working and it wasn’t too bad as an OS. There is no reason why you’d want to upgrade.
As for home users, from my experience people don’t like change. If you move a single shortcut on the desktop , they are lost and panic .
So changing the entire look of the UI is not something people want. Plus Windows 10 auto update borked some windows 7 systems so users with that memory won’t be keen to repeat it by upgrading to 11.
wow that’s amazing lemmy reddit poster #234750 please tell me more about this incredible thing
I am so glad I switched to linux for 95% of my tasks and only need to boot windows once per month
I’ve already decided I’ll be going full Linux when Win10 reaches EOL.
I like it, I hope you do, too. If you decide to try beforehand I’d suggest a second machine or a VM. Apparently Windows is a massive pain when dual booting, like it commonly deactivates the Linux bootloader.